Calling a function
You can call functions exported by a module.
Call TryGetExport
on the instance to get the IInvocableFunction
interface. You can use this interface to call the function.
var module = await moduleAsset.LoadModuleAsync();
var instance = new Instance(module, /* */);
if (!instance.TryGetExport("export name", out IInvocableFunction function)) return;
using var context = new ExecutionContext();
var result = CoreBinder.Instance.Invoke<int /* result type */>(context, function, 1, 1.0, 1.0f);
Using CoreBinder.Instance.Invoke()
, you can pass an arbitrary number of arguments to a function without boxing. This uses Source Generators internally.
You can also call functions in a low-level format without using Source Generator.
// set args
Span<StackValueItem> args = stackalloc StackValueItem[3];
args[0] = new StackValueItem(1); // i32
args[1] = new StackValueItem(1.0); // f64
args[2] = new StackValueItem(1.0f); // f32
// invoke
context.Invoke(function, args);
// take results
Span<StackValueItem> results = stackalloc StackValueItem[1];